Maggie Turns 1!
Ok, so she's actually in her early 20s, but who can remember a time before you started working at NSP, right Maggie?!? This last year has absolutely flown by. We've accomplished quite a bit, and a lot of it has been do to the support we've had at the studio from this special lady. When pressed to describe her role at the studio one day, the most succinct description I could come up with was "she just makes everything better". That's pretty much stuck as her job description and is her daily M.O. at the studio. She helps us with prints and packaging, answers the phone, assists on shoots, does design work, keeps our client database full and up to date, adds to our marketing efforts photographs pretty things around the studio, explains pop culture references to us, brings cool music to the studio, and is just all around good company to keep. To learn more about Maggie, read about her bio on our About page!
We may have celebrated her one year anniversary by watching Pitch Perfect 2. We may have been the only ones in the theater at 1:45 on a Monday. Whitney and I may have already seen Pitch Perfect 2 the day it came out, and then watched it again because Maggie wanted to. There was definitely popcorn.