I was definitely nervous to make the call to book the shoot, but by the time I got off the phone with the studio, I was feeling more excited than nervous. On the day of my shoot, Natalie immediately put me at ease. After meeting her, I told my husband, "I want us to be friends!" The shoot ended up being an amazing experience. I definitely found myself feeling more confident as the shoot went on, and by the end of it I didn't want to leave! All the women involved create a fantastically warm and comfortable environment. It's easy to talk yourself of out this luxurious experience: "I don't deserve it, I haven't worked hard enough, I'm not thin enough, I'm not pretty enough..." I think EVERY woman who has done a shoot like this has had those thoughts go through her head—which is exactly why every woman should do it! Take the opportunity to see yourself as your loved ones see you—strong and beautiful.
— Ellyn
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