Real Women of Rochester | Ayanna Jackson
Ayanna Jackson | Age: 46 | Coordinator for the American Cancer Society Hope Lodge
Q: Tell us about your journey through womanhood.
A: I have been a big girl all my life and I’ve dealt with a lot of teasing, but I never let it get to me. My grandmother always told me I looked good no matter what I put on, and that’s my motto to this day.
Q: What would you say to another woman who may be going through something you've been through?
A: It’s okay to reach out to other women for support. You do not have to suffer alone.
Q: What surprised you most about your photography experience?
A: Nothing, I love being in front of the camera LOL.
Q: How do you feel when you look at your favorite photo of yourself from your shoot?
A: I feel like the most valuable woman in the world.
Q: What would you share with a woman who doesn't think she is beautiful enough to be photographed?
A: If you need someone, I’ll come with you and be your personal cheerleader! You’re always beautiful.
Q: What message would you like to share with other women?
A: Our journeys are all different. I can’t get jealous over your success, especially since I don’t know how you got it! What we see a lot of the time is just smoke and mirrors, not reality. So never judge yourself based on others. SHARE with each other. We can all be successful.
Q: What are your thoughts on beauty?
A: We cannot let beauty be defined by industry standards. We all see beauty in different forms.
Q: What are your hopes for the next generation of women? What advice would you give to them?
A: Always think for yourself! Don’t let society judge you for who they think you are - be happy in your own skin, flaws and all. Only you can love you.
Q: What would you say to your sixteen year old self?
A: Keep that fire - never lose it at any age.
Q: What empowering message would you like to share with young women today?
A: It’s okay if you’re not strong ALL the time. It’s okay to fall down. It’s okay to take time to get back up. Never rush through your healing process from any situation, no matter what others may say - they are not you! It’s okay to be afraid of doing something new or getting back up after a breakup. We’re human.
Q: What's the biggest hurdle you've overcome career-wise as a woman?
A: Showing that my size does not mean I’m lazy, a slob or unmotivated. And that we can dress our asses off better than some skinny women, OKAY!!
Q: What's the most empowering experience you've had as a woman?
A: Winning my first National Plus Size Pageant on the first try. What a rush!!!
Q: When do you feel the most beautiful?
A: When I’m in casual / comfortable clothes, no makeup, hair not done, wearing a housedress.
Q: What do you love about being a woman?
A: I love that we are each powerful, unique, classy, sexy, strong and versatile in every way. I love being the baddest BBW the city of Rochester has ever and will ever see.