Man Crush Monday | Virginia & Kevin Travers
Ginny’s everyday #ManCrush is her husband, Kevin Travers.
Tell us the story of how you met...
Ha! Well, funny story... I was doing my first burlesque show and Kevin was one of the MCs. So, thankfully (?) we got the whole "Will he find me attractive without my clothes on?" question out of the way. I sang and danced. He entertained between numbers. We exchanged contact info. Flirted for a bit, but ultimately we weren't ready for each other. Then three years later we got back in touch and it went from there.
What was the first date like?
Our first official date was going to Sea Breeze, getting sunburns, riding all the rides, him cockily winning me what we lovingly call "The Dinosaur Puppy" (which was this HUGE stuffed dinosaur ...thing) and ending with delicious food from across the way.
What makes him crush worthy?
Well, I married him. He's my Ron Swanson. He has a deep voice that I literally cannot understand at times and I have to tell him to speak in a higher pitch. He can fix just about anything and if he can't, he'll look up how. The man can smoke a brisket like nobody's business and I know he'd go to hell and back for me.
When did you know you wanted to spend the rest of your life with this person?
I think it was always there, hence being scared of him when we first met and knowing we weren't ready for each other. But I guess it was cemented when we got our first cat. He'd told me from the beginning that he was a dog person, he had never had a cat -- didn't really like them. And then for Valentine's Day, we went to PetSmart to grab stuff and he said, "Hey, let's go back and look at the cats for adoption." After looking at a few, we found this tiny little black cat in the corner, curled up in a bed. A few hours later, we were driving him home and Kevin fell in love with this little man, wanting to buy all the toys and a cute bowl and everything for him.
... We now have two cats.
A close second is when I found out he opens cereal bags like a monster, ripping them open with no thought to the bag's integrity, ability to still contain the cereal and keep it fresh -- and I still loved him after.
What are you looking forward to most in your future together?
Continuously giving him crap about being a ginger (and pretty much everything else) and him giving me crap about being short (and pretty much everything else).
All jokes aside -- pretty much everything. He's one of the best people I know. Even when I'm so angry with him, I know that I love him with all of my heart and I never waver in wondering if we'll make it. There is no "if". There is no other possibility of life without him. Because he's it for me.
Tell us about the proposal.
We were watching South Park after a long week of dealing with familial ailments and issues, and he went into our room and grabbed something out of his dresser. He got down on one knee and said, "After everything we've been through... after how you've been with me and for me this week... I just can't wait any longer. So... will you?"
Being the hopeless romantic I am, I demanded to know, "What are you asking me, exactly?"
He laughed, sighed and said, "Will you marry me?"
I then asked if he was absolutely sure, as he had a rule that we had to be together three years before making it official -- and at that point, it had only been 2.5. He looked at me funny and said, "Not the answer I was looking for but, yes, I'm sure."
I immediately hugged him and said, "YES OF COURSE I WILL!!!"
Tell us about your wedding day!
It was absolutely perfect. We traveled down to Letchworth State Park to be married outside the Glen Iris Inn next to the middle falls. It was perfect weather, the sun shining, not too hot or cold. My mother made my wedding dress. My favorite people were all around me. I had all the confidence in the world in all of my vendors for the day (especially Natalie, obviously!) in making it memorable.
I was super excited all day, anxious to marry my best friend and then party like the proverbial 1999. We did our first look photos, drove through the park for different locations, stole background smoke for them from a family innocently barbecuing in the park.
Then it was almost time, and me and my ladies were lined up in the parlor and suddenly I forgot how to breath. I didn't have a paper bag so I inhaled and exhaled heavily into my bouquet. Thankfully, that's exactly what plants were made for so I didn't pass out and my dad didn't let me fall.
My brother was our officiant and his ceremony was hilarious. We wrote our own vows. I mentioned the cereal thing. Quoted Dr Seuss. I borrowed a line from my parents' wedding vows.
We did the thing!
Anything else you'd like to share??
He says, "Toast is delicious".