Man Crush Monday | Alex Peterson
Keisha & Alex are one of those couples that might as well have cartoon hearts for eyes when they're looking at each other. In all my years photographing couples I have literally never seen a man so attentive or dedicated to keeping his woman happy and comfortable. They take care of each other, it's a beautiful thing. When I asked Keisha to write a little something about Alex, she jumped at opportunity to shine the spotlight on her man.
I knew I wanted to marry Alex during a really tough time in my life. I was at the lowest point in my relationship with someone very close to me, and he dropped everything he was doing at 11pm at night in the middle of his college studies at RIT to come and get me, and just be there for me.
One of my favorite memories from our wedding day is how we sung the lyrics to each other from our wedding song during our first dance. Alex is super shy, but he sung those lyrics like no one else was in the room. Also the fact that he was so proud to have married me, I'm sure a lot of men and women are happy on their wedding day, but that man was PROUD!
When I was leaving to go do a Disney internship, I really didn't want to leave Alex, I knew I was going to miss him so much. I burst out crying in the car when we were driving home together the night before I had to leave. He pulled over on the side of the road in the middle of traffic, held my face and kissed each individual tear as they fell, reassuring me that everything would be okay. And there were a lot of tears, so just picture that!
Alex is my Man Crush because he makes it a point everyday multiple times a day to tell me I'm beautiful, he puts my happiness before his own everyday, and always makes sure that I'm taken care of whether I ask for it or not. No matter how many times I tell him he's a great provider, he always wants to do more; he sets the bar so high I can't even see it! He loves me for who I am, including ALL of my flaws, and we always encourage and accept each others honesty and truths without judgement. I know no matter what that at the end of day, even if he is upset with me, I can call on him and he will open up his arms and take me in anytime, day or night. I love how hard working he is, I love that my smile can melt him to pieces, and I love his persistence and passion. He is a one-of-kind, once-in-a-lifetime type of man, and I know I am a lucky girl! - Mrs. Keisha Peterson.