Jaron Wilson | Man Crush Monday

Carly & Jaron Wilson's love story as written by Carly Wilson herself...

"Stubborn, free-spirited New York woman meets selfless and patient Indiana man. I first fell in love with Jaron through music. I always accredit music when asked what brought us together. It was the first thing that bound us; the instrument that emboldened us and freed us of the everyday monotony. It is something we share exclusively. Jaron is my calming force; he is a soft voice when mine is too loud. He is the kindest man I know, continually showering me with words of encouragement. He is my greatest advocate. He is intelligent, always surprising me with his exceptional mind. I love him for his humility, his sense of humor, his open-mindedness, his loyalty to those he loves, his drive to push himself in all things, and his uncanny knack for making me the happiest, most fulfilled woman on the planet. I married him because he is exactly the person I want to be around every day of my life. He shows me a gentle and understanding love that I did not know existed." And if you haven't melted into a puddle yet.... "In the future I see us somewhere out west, with a lake, a grand backyard, and many little ones occupying that space. The greatest thing I could have done with my life is share it with this man, and the only thing that could top marrying him would be building a family together. I see us maintaining our individual pursuits while also growing from shared experiences. I have learned that everything seems a little brighter, a little better, with the support of someone you love. Jaron makes all things possible in love and in life."