10 Reasons NOT To Do A Boudoir Shoot

Hello ladies! I've complied a list of the top 10 reasons (i.e. excuses!) I hear from women about why they will not / should not / or cannot do a boudoir shoot...

1. I need to lose weight first. This is the most common excuse we hear for why someone won't book a boudoir shoot. I have an entire blog post devoted to this concern, but here's the heart of it: your shoot is about so much more than just the shape of your body. It's my job to make you comfortable so I can capture your genuine laugh, the sparkle in your eyes, and all the other quirks that make you "YOU". Besides, expert posing, lighting, lens choice, wardrobe, and image composition will having you looking slimmer than you have ever thought possible! You are not defined by your size, so don't let it keep you from feeling good about the incredible woman you are.

2. I'm not young enough for that. The more years you've lived, the more you have to celebrate! I have photographed women of all ages, and quite a few of my all-time-favorite shoots have fallen into the 50+ age bracket. There is a certain sensuality and confidence that comes only with age, and even though you may not be as toned or taut as you once were - it honestly couldn't matter less. I will guide you through wardrobe selection and posing that will highlight your best assets and capture that firey spunk that has only gotten stronger with age!


3. I shouldn't spend the money on myself. Think of it as an investment in your self-confidence. I especially hear a lot of moms feeling guilty for spending time and money on themselves instead of their kids. I'm a big believer that you can't pour from an empty cup, and that it's important for kids to have a mom that is comfortable in her own skin and loves and accepts her body. Wouldn't you want your kids to be able to love and accept their bodies without self-criticism and doubt? An investment in yourself IS an investment in your family. Not only that, but these portraits will likely be one of the only things you purchase this year that actually appreciate in value over time.

4. I don't have anything sexy to wear. Well, not wearing anything is certainly an option :) But seriously - a boudoir shoot is not about shopping or reinventing yourself into who you think you "should" be. While it can be a fun excuse to buy some new bras or panties, my favorite way to photograph a woman is in her favorite everyday outfit. Even if we deconstruct it a bit (think: your favorite leather jacket with just a bra underneath), your photos should reflect exactly who you are, and part of who you are is what you like to wear and feel comfortable in.

5. I don't do lingerie. Who said you need lingerie? As I mentioned above, the best outfits are those that are true to your identity. If lingerie isn't your thing - let's figure out what your version of "sexy" is. Maybe it's your man's oversized dress shirt and tie on your womanly figure - or maybe it's his Bills jersey. You really can't go wrong with the basics - a white cami or a black dress can be as sexy as thigh highs any day.

6. I don't want my pictures on the internet. We take your privacy very seriously, and only post images with 100% consent of our clients. We understand that doing a boudoir shoot is an incredibly personal endeavor, and you are in complete control of where your images exist after your shoot.

7. I don't have anyone to give it to /  my spouse wouldn't approve. While some women do book a shoot to give as a gift to their partner, every woman agrees after doing the shoot that it was actually a gift to herself. Our studio is a safe, comfortable judgement-free zone in which you will have the opportunity to feel beautiful and valued. This shoot is really only about one person - YOU.

8. I'm just not "sexy". Not a single woman comes into my studio knowing how to "look sexy" for their boudoir shoot. This will be the most guided experience of your life. It's not your job to know how to pose; it's my job to know how to coach you. All the women you see in our gallery are regular gals, they are not models, and they are not any different than you. If you bring me your authentic self and a few of your favorite items of clothing, I will show you how sexy you already are.

9. I have NO idea how to do my own hair and makeup. We count ourselves lucky to work with Special Occasion Hair Design on every single boudoir shoot we do. We believe having professional hair and makeup is an integral component of your shoot, which is why it is included in your session fee. Chrissy comes to our studio and will spend the first hour of your shoot styling your hair and makeup to best accentuate your features and reflect your personal style.

10. [ENTER YOUR OWN PERSONAL HANG-UP HERE]. Your fear and self-doubt can come up with endless reasons for you to not do anything outside your comfort zone. It's a biological response to anything we deem "scary". It's up to you to choose if you're going to be more loyal to your fears, or to yourself. If you'd like to learn more about doing a boudoir shoot, check out our website and give us a call. We'd love to help show your inner rockstar :)